In America you have your first amendment right to free speech, however, not all countries allow their citizens this right. Even in America, there is a great deal of censorship. The television you watch, the music you listen to, even this forum you are posting on -- all censor content that is deemed by someone to be inappropriate.
The FCC allows the broadcast of certain content and network television chooses to censor the content of their shows to appease advertisers. There is no restriction to what can be said in music, particularly rap, yet albums are released censored so that a certain image can be maintained.
And, finally, the Internet. Message boards are a great example of a place free speech should be encouraged, yet there are regulations that specify what we can and can't say.
I can understand why a network (which is a business) would not show certain content on television, however to censor movies, music and the Internet should not be allowed. It is a real shame we live in a society that just rolls over and allows people to tell us what is and is not "ok" to say or think. If you consider what things were like 50 years ago, when people were far more easily shocked, there were many more restrictions placed on entertainment. Now many of those restrictions are gone because people are less offended and there are more avenues to release uncensored entertainment (cable, YouTube). So why have restrictions at all? Why not put more emphasis on classifications and less on censoring the actual content?
I know most people here will agree with minimizing (or even totally removing) censorship. I want to know if people believe that there are circumstances where it is acceptable to censor someone or something and why?
Alternatively, if it isn't acceptable under any circumstance, why not? Why should you and everyone else have the right to say what you like, even if you know it will offend and upset? Or worse, insight violence and encourage hate. For example, should extremist groups within America be allowed to preach to their followers that America is evil and God wants the destruction of the western world?