2013 CW Tag Team Tourney - Hosted by Eedee & Painkiller
Rewards: You will be added into the Creative Writing Champion group.
Official Teams
De'anumb Halftongue/tapole25
Official Judges
[24 total bars] Round 1: Back'N'Forth (Show us how well you work as a team. Any topic, just make sure to go back and forth as much as you can.)
[32 total bars] Round 2: Conceptual Storytelling (Think of a concept for a story and write about it. Paint us scenes in a story of you two being characters. Showcase your conceptual and storytelling skills. Wow the judges.)
[32 total bars] FINALS: Cover-A-Song (Write to a known beat and make the judges' jaw's drop. Be as creative as you want here. No limitations.) (TENTATIVE. THIS CATEGORY MAY CHANGE)
Round One is the Back'N'Forth category. The deadline to get your verses into either me or Painkiller is Saturday, January 26. The total bars is 24 so each teammate should have roughly around 12 bars.
[5] Chemistry (How well did they work together. Important for this round)
[3] Rhyming/Multis
[2] Complexity (How complex were the thoughts/rhyme schemes?)
[1] Flow
[1] Vocabulary (Word choice and lexicon)
[1] Structure (How presentable and easy to read was the verse?)
[1]* WOW! Factor (A particular phrase or rhyme that stood out)
* This point can be added at judge's discretion, but is not mandatory.
Note: By writing to a beat, flow can be better achieved and may help the judges vote for the Flow point.
The following send your verses to ME when you're done:
The following send your verses to PAINKILLER when you're done:
Round two is a conceptual storytelling verse. The length is 32 bars. Paint us a story/scene with you two as the characters and make it as intriguing as possible. Below is the voting sheet. Deadline for round 2 is: Sunday, February 10.
ROUND 2 VOTING SHEET: Conceptual Storytelling
[5] Storytelling Skills (How well did they paint the picture?)
[5] Flow of the Narrative (different from Flow points. Did the story feel cohesive? Easily captivating?)
[4] Chemistry (How well did they write? Enough to make it feel as if there was one writer?)
[3] Topic Of Concept (How intriguing was the concept topic?)
[3] Rhyming/Multis
[2] Complexity (How complex were the thoughts/rhyme schemes?)
[1] Flow
[1] Vocabulary (Word choice and lexicon)
[1] Structure (How presentable and easy to read was the verse?)
The following send your verse to ME:
Spyder/Just SIlver
Round three is the FINALS. Write a 32 bar verse (16 bars each roughly) spinning off the concept of the original song you picked the beat too. This means you can use the rhyme schemes in the original song to play off of as well as the concept. Be creative, but remember to play off of the original concept! May the best verse win. Deadline to get your verses into me is: Wednesday, February 20.
ROUND 3 VOTING SHEET: Remix That Bitch
[5] HOLY-SHIT-BATMAN!-IT'S-CREATIVITY!!! (The whole point of this round is to be as creative as possible. So the biggest category goes to the fucking assholes who are most creative. Kthx)
[4] Spin That Shit (How well did they spin off the concept of the original song?)
[3] Flow
[3] Chemistry (How well did they work together?)
[3] Rhyming/Multis
[2] Complexity (How complex were the thoughts/rhyme schemes?)
[1] Rhyming/Multis APPLIED (Did they use new rhymes for the same schemes on the old song?)
[1] Vocabulary (Word choice and lexicon)
The following send your verse to ME:
Spyder/Just SIlver
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask myself or Painkiller in this thread or in a PM. And by signing up for this, you should be aware that we want a clean, fair, and smooth tourney. Be sure to remind each other of the deadline for your verses and if we can get all the verses in before the deadline, we'll drop the Round early! Remember, this isn't a Rap Battle tourney, so you're not battling the other guys, you're merely trying to develop the best verse that you guys can so that you can wow the judges into voting in your favor to advance. You have a name color as a reward, so bring your A-game! Be as creative as possible and heed the voting sheet while writing - the judges will be voting off that. Good luck, writers. May the best team win!