I just got my disc midnight release and played it all night. For those who haven't got it yet and are interested in knowing, I'll make this list.
1 - Your health bar is lower and you die easier. Gunfights are more fatal so you must use the cover system.
2 - It's easier to fail missions due to lower health, but checkpoints are frequent so it all balances out.
3 - Switching characters feature offers a quick way to travel throughout the world and avoid backtracking.
4 - There are no unlockable areas of the game, but the game introduces things to you slowly. You can go to distant areas early on if you want to, but it requires you to make a conscious effort in doing so.
5 - The first hour of the game is so-so, but the second hour is great!
6 - The physics in GTA V are strange and bizarre, but they work and I wouldn't have it any other way.
7 - Cars are smoother, gentler, turn sharper and handle more like in racing games than in other GTA entries. Cars are also glued to the ground, so flipping rarely if ever happens. Franklin's special ability is extremely practical and makes the driving very enjoyable.
8 - The Xbox 360 version performs just fine. A few minor framerate issues and texture pop-ins exist, but still it looks and plays incredibly