by Lost Myself » Sep 29th, '13, 14:45
This is gonna get hate but....
1. TES
3. Recovery
4. Relapse
6. Infinite
7. Encore
Recovery gets too much hate. People ignore that it's a very deep album, it's experimental, and as far as pure rapping goes (combining speed, force, and lyrics), it's insane. And yes, Eminem going as hard as he's ever been since MMLP makes the mediocre beats worth it for me. And can we appreciate that, despite the Lil Wayne feature (and Wayne's verse was actually pretty good for him), No Love is probably his best verse since Renegade and, as he stated in the song, could even be considered one of the best rap verses ever recorded? The album is dark and badass. The pop singer collabs are used in good purpose.
Meanwhile, I rank TES over MMLP just because of the more mature lyrics and better production. He slowed down so his lyrics would make an impact, and he does it in a way that no other Eminem album even comes close to. Yes, Relapse is ahead of SSLP, because it is a lyrical masterpiece. SSLP is an amazing album, but I feel like its depth and lyrical sophistication don't match up to Relapse. Infinite is forever underrated, and Encore is pretty much trash.