I recently just ordered like 20 games. Some for 360 like Sonic Generations, some for ps1, and also got an old game gear. Plus I want a ps4, and even a Wii U maybe. But I also want to re collect nes, snes, and n64. I feel like I'm starting to obsess and won't be able to stop compulsively buying. But I need these games and consoles. How much do you guys spend on new games each month? Isn't each game like 59 bucks plus tax? I was going to give up my 360 and ps3 to get a ps4 but had to stop myself. Why? Because the x box 360 is starting to become a retro gaming system. Not yet really, but it will be. And I wanna play Halo, Sonic, and Rayman on it. I'm glad I came to my senses. I won't regret selling my 360 like Kill You did.
Here's the question I have for you. I have 2 systems, the 360 and ps3. Never really used them like I should have. The 360 I have here & there with NBA 2k, but the 360 I just got from my brother with 5 games. Should I get caught up a little and play my ps3 and 360 more and buy some affordable games for them like Halo before I get a ps4? I'm just afraid that once I spend the 400, it's gonna be hard to spend 60 bucks every time I want a game. You can spend thousands of dollars getting games for 1 system. Just seems like ps3, 360 still have life left in them. Maybe it's best to get the most out of them before getting ps4?