hey, do any of u girls like guys with shaved head?..i think i might do it...i might have to...cuase im fucking 14 and i think im loosing my fucking hair(gotta ask doctor soon, see if its a problem that can be solved, or im doing something to cuase it)....maybe i'll do it in the summer, so it wont be sutch a surprise for people in my school, cuase i bet if i did it in the middle of the second have of school, id never hear the end of it...but i dunno, maybe people will not care aboult my shaved head after a day or 2...but i have no idea...maybe ill be picked on and shit, or made fun of...fuck
but yea...im white, and have nice blue eyes(prolly stand out after i shave my head) and an earing(goes good with shaved head i think..), i have bin worrying aboult my hair constantly my whole fucking life, and now i wanna get rid of it for good..and im pretty sure i have a nice shaped head for shaving...but holly, i can't decide...i dunno how people at school will take it..maybe it will be like the best thing to happen to me ever..maybe it will be the worst thing ever...im in good physical shape too(goes good with shaved head...) and a few people in grade 8 said i should shave my whole head...
man..i can't decide...what do u girls or guys think? remember, im white, nice blue eyes, silver circle earing, and good shaped head for shaveing...so what do some of u think of shaved heads?