Was bumping this today and I gotta say this is probably one of his best albums rapping-wise.
The rhyming on this album is so crisp and there's so many incredible lines on this project. And the multies on this are insane.
"Your ass forgot, so just in case you don't remember me, I'll walk your brain around the block to jog your fuckin' memory."
"When I represent it, and we'll have a referee in it every minute, so when I win it, you'll never resent it"
"My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces, my acapella releases classic masterpieces through telekinesis, that eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally, with entity, dementedly, meant to be Infinite."
He has some solid beats on this album, and some gems here and there too. But fuckit man, Its a really enjoyable listen to me.