MMLP2 sucks dick
rap god is all good tho
Kukahara wrote:And Eminem did not fell off, he's just misguided. Ever since his comeback with Relapse he's stuck with the idea that he needs to sound like he used to, so he forces it and it doesn't sound as good. If he just did songs from the perspective he's in now, it would be amazing.
Kukahara wrote:And Eminem did not fell off, he's just misguided. Ever since his comeback with Relapse he's stuck with the idea that he needs to sound like he used to, so he forces it and it doesn't sound as good. If he just did songs from the perspective he's in now, it would be amazing.
Yoda wrote:Beautiful is a great track
Jaba wrote:Bound? Space Bound? FUCK U, U FUCKING RECOVERY LOVER! FUCKING BITCH!Mr Change wrote:Aone10 wrote:
You are allowed to have an opinion, but you best believe if it's in the minority the majority will come at you (like anything else in life). I prefer Encore to Recovery and people on here bash me for it, but I don't get butt hurt about my opinion being in the minority the same way that you do. Trex is another member that prefers Recovery to Relapse, but he doesn't get stupid about it or feel the need to bitch about the "Recovery haters" every time the discussion is brought up.
If someone gets disrespectful on a personal level with you, then fuck it... it's the internet.... go right back at them. But being "that guy" that always has to bring up the same bullshit is annoying.
Hence why people only remember you as the member that always bitches about Recovery not being liked on the forum.
I've seen you post in other threads, and you're honestly not a bad member.... but that does tend to get annoying.
Respect your approach on the matter as opposed to the others that I'm bound to get.
^^^^Classic Horse post ^^^^
CanadaPure wrote:Mr Evil and I will have to mud wrestle with Hesky to get him under control
Horse wrote:Evil for 2015 vet
EllenPage-Mathers wrote:when i go to quote you, my school block it and the reason is pornography.
OutlawƎ wrote:
Lighters was decent
CanadaPure wrote:Mr Evil and I will have to mud wrestle with Hesky to get him under control
Horse wrote:Evil for 2015 vet
CanadaPure wrote:Mr Evil and I will have to mud wrestle with Hesky to get him under control
Horse wrote:Evil for 2015 vet
Mr Evil wrote:I love his flow on GOAT
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