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Postby OfficialZep » Aug 26th, '14, 19:43

Wow,The Lyricism in this song is just absolutely amazing especially in the first verse this is definitely in my top 10 favourite eminem songs,all around a fantastic eminem song.
Lose yourself in this music, this moment we own it
We won't never let it go (go), you better move yourself
Because tomorrow's ass can wait
There is no time, to sit there and procrastinate

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Re: Infinite

Postby Raul » Aug 26th, '14, 20:17

Best song on the record. I love the chill beat, his flow and the crazy rhyming.

I love the way he ends his verses on that song too, btw:

My a capella releases classic masterpieces through telekinesis
It eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally
With entity, dementedly meant to be infinite


Be all you can be, cause once you make an instant hit
I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit

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Re: Infinite

Postby Mr Evil » Aug 26th, '14, 20:24

I agree that it's the best song on the record and the only one from it that I tend to listen to
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Re: Infinite

Postby Chalky » Aug 26th, '14, 21:16

One of my favorite old Em tracks, its definitely underrated. 10/10 track.
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Re: Infinite

Postby csw621 » Aug 26th, '14, 21:17

tight lyrics. i guess if people are going to think you sound like someone else you couldn't do better than nas
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Re: Infinite

Postby Shpongle » Aug 28th, '14, 11:50

Best track of Infinite for sure :worship:
Nothing Lasts...But Nothing Is Lost...
Maynard James Keenan wrote:Life is too short NOT to create something with every breath we draw.

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Re: Infinite

Postby Francesco » Aug 28th, '14, 12:04

My favorite track outta the album...

...Cause there's a monster will in me that always wants to kill MCs
Mic nestler, slam it like a wrestler
Here to make a mess of a lyric smuggling embezzler
No one is specialer, my skill is intergalactical
I get cynical, act a fool, then I send a crew back to school
I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical
I'd rather let a tactical, tactful track tickle your fancy...

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