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And yeah I've heard horror stories of it taking at least a month to finish this book (that's if you're a speedreader and not even taking all the footnotes into account)
once you graduate from that though, there's always this
If you stopped right before chapter 4-6, that's when the book hits it's pea and when it's really on that other level. Before that it was mostly pretty good (I thought fantastic, but yeah).
i find it way harder to read fiction than i should, lol. don't know why, but non-fiction seems to capture my attention more. i feel would prefer it to be the other way round. kinda embarrassing, lol.
good writing's good writing tho i guess.
and yea. finished 3.
I'm not tryin to be rude, but I sincerely wanna fuck the taste out of your mouth
I'm the completely opposite I have to force myself to read nonficiton because I know just reading fiction is just tunnel vision. I'm reading 1776 by David McCullough (as well as a bunch of other books atm), and it tells a certain a certain historical event in a narrative format and makes it really interesting. Just like reading a novel.