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Powerful new pic from Em

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Re: Powerful new pic from Em

Postby skc_ » Nov 9th, '14, 13:29

Mr Change wrote:At some point, we all must come to terms that Eminem is mortal. Not only that but we, too, are bound to degrade as time passes on, such as that we are only sand in the wind of life.

Eminem wrote:I'm morphin' into an immortal coming through the portal
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Re: Powerful new pic from Em

Postby electroencephalogram » Nov 11th, '14, 20:12

What makes his aging seem weird is that in most cases it's covered up. In videos and photos he's caked out in make up. It doesn't help with the way he dresses either. There is nothing wrong being his age, it's only weird when it's not embraced.
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Re: Powerful new pic from Em

Postby shadyblogger » Nov 11th, '14, 20:13

Yoda wrote:Yeah he defo needs to put a bit of weight on his face. He probably has an obsession over it though

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