i walked all the way downtown to hand in job applications and to go into that computer store. and couldn't find the store...
their website showed a map of where they were located. i walked into a nearby store and they moved to another location over a month ago... without updating their website
..........................................................................................i came home and called them, and i was too late. they closed like 15 minutes ago when i got home.
ugh... well.... my computer's doing fine, i probably don't have to worry. and on another forum that i don't visit much said
Also I wouldn't really worry about it if it's only happened once and when booting up. The CPU fan on startup doesn't exactly run on full speed, and due to the temperature of your room which you have stated was quite hot, the fan was still running at a low speed and hasn't adjusted to the temperatures since you've only just turned it on.
so yeah. thanks for the tips. last i cleaned my computer was like last month or so. this computer store i speak of isn't a huge company, it's ran by people with brains and aren't trying to constantly make money. it's a one of a kind store, there's a lot of only-one stores in the world. they charge like 20 dollars.